Godwin's life is changed through V.I.S.I.O.N 10,000
For eighteen years, I endured this affliction of being blinded by cataracts, navigating multiple hospitals without finding relief. My compromised vision significantly impacted my business and overall well-being, rendering me nearly incapacitated.
Then, I learned about Loveworld Medical Missions' free eye surgery program. Undeterred by the crowds, I registered and waited patiently. Finally, I received a call on Thursday night, scheduling my surgery for the following day.
Prior to the surgery, reading required holding materials extremely close to my eyes. But after the procedure, when the bandages were removed, I discovered that all limitations had vanished. I could see with perfect clarity.
I express profound appreciation to Loveworld Medicaid, its sponsors, and its partners. Your selfless efforts have transformed my life, and I am eternally grateful."