• Phone: +18 327 249390
  • contact@loveworldmedicaid.org



Providing free eye tests, corrective glasses

The prohibitive cost of accessing the services of eye care specialists leaves many with undiagnosed and untreated or poorly managed eye conditions which can predispose them to eventual visual loss.

In recognition of the pressing need of selected beneficiaries from within the Alausa community located in Ikeja, Lagos State, members of the Volunteer Medical Corps comprised of a group of dedicated healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and optometrists, gave their time and expertise to provide free eye tests, corrective glasses, and referrals for those who required advanced treatment. Many people who had been suffering silently left the outreach location with improved vision.

This event which was executed in partnership with the Kids Can Foundation presented a platform for other health concerns to be dealt with among the beneficiaries from the community; as they benefited immensely from the health education sessions, physical examination, screening tests, free medications, and access to God’s word.

We thank all those who have extended their support for the VMC’s 1 Million Smiles Campaign. To be a part of producing more smiles among those needing medical help through the VMC, GIVE Today.

SEE LINK: https://volunteermedicalcorps.org/view-media/volunteer-medical-corps-gifts-free-eye-care-services-to-families-in-alausa-community-lagos-nigeria/TGUEMerhJXoT